The sensory membrane that lines the inner surface of the back of the eyeball is called the retina.photoreceptors are composed of several layers ,including the specialized cells. Due various Disease like Diabetes , Hypertension and other causes Retina suffers abnormal changes which leads to vision loss to Blindness. India is hub of Diabetics and it is one of main cause of Retinopathy
At Neera Eye Hospital offers world Class retina services. We do provide latest care for diabetic retinopathy, macular degeneration, retinal vascular disease, retinal detachment, and all other retinal problem.
Retina Vitreous Department at Neera Eye Centre is a state-of-the-art facility dealing with diagnostics and management of a wide spectrum of retinal disorders.
Diabetic retinopathy, Age-related macular degeneration and other macular disorders, Retinal detachment, vascular occlusions and other vascular abnormalities of the retina and choroid, Uveitis, Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and other uncommon retinal disorders are dealt with precision and care. We offer comprehensive care for adults and children.
Retina is the innermost layer of eye that converts light into vision. The image is perceived here and transmitted to the brain by the optic nerve. The vitreous is the clear gel that fills the back of the eye.
There are different types of retina problems,conditions and diseases. the most common types of rectina problems are as follows
Symptoms : Consists of increase in the number of floaters,flashes of light and worsening of the outer part of the visual field. it can be described as shady curtain over the feild of vision. Around 7% cases,both the eyes are affected.loss of vision is a possibility in the absence of treatment.around 0.6 to 1.8 people is affected by retinal detachments every year.and around 0.3 % people gets affected at some point of their life.It is most common in people who are in their 60s or 70s.[1] Males are more often affected than females.
Some of the risk factors can include severe myopia,retinal tears ,trauma, family history as well as troubles related from catract surgery.people around 50 years of age usually affected by aging retinal detachment.
In case of retina detachment, a surgery is required preferably within days of diagnosis.The type of the surgery depends on several factors as recommended by the surgon.
It is the most common cause of vision loss among people with diabetes and a leading cause of blindness among working-age adults, diabetic retinopathy is caused by chronically high blood sugar from diabetes is associated with damage to tiny blood vessels in the retina. Blood vessels in the retina tends to leak fluid or hemorrhage (bleed), distorting vision due to diabetic retinopathy. New abnormal blood vessels increases in the number on the surface of the retina in its most advanced stages ,which leads to scarring and and cell loss in retina.
The symptoms rarely appears during the early stages of diabetic retinopathy. As the condition progresses, diabetic retinopathy symptoms appear as the condition progresses:
Intra vitreal Injection and VR surgery is treatment of Diabteic Retinopathy
Retinal holes and tears are small breaks that occur in the retina, which is the lining at the back of your eye that senses light coming into your eye. mostly holes and tears do not mean you will have serious vision problems right away. fluids starts to leak from the centre of your eyeball to behind the retina due to retinal holes and tears.
The gel in the center of your eyeball ismostly clear and smooth. Pockets of fluid can develop in the back of your eye, which leads the gel to pull away from the retina. This happens to everyone over time but is not harmful. However, sometimes the gel pulls on a thin or weak area of the retina, and causes a tear or hole. the problems that can increase your risk of retinal and tears include:
Most of the times,retinal holes and tears have no symptoms at all. There is a possibility of you having a hole or tear if you suddenly see floaters, which are flickers or arcs of light in your side vision. Symptoms of a larger retinal tear or retinal detachment may include:
How are they treated?
It is a relatively common condition causing areas of peripheral retinal thinning. Lattice with retinal breaks (holes and/or tears) remains a leading cause of retinal detachment. Laser surgery or cryotherapy (freezing) is often used to seal retinal tears and prevent detachment.
Macular edema is the swelling of the macula, the area of the retina responsible for central vision. Retinal blood vessel obstruction, eye inflammation, diabetes, and age-related macular degeneration, eye surgery have all been associated with macular edema. Eye drops, injections around the eye or laser can be used to treat a macular edema.
ROP is a potentially blinding disease caused by abnormal development of retinal blood vessels in premature infants. Babies born weight of 2500 grams or less and born before 31 weeks gestation should be screened by a retina specialist early to provide treatment (intravitreal injection / laser / surgery) as soon as needed.
Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is the name given to a group of inherited eye diseases that affect the retina. RP causes the degeneration of photoreceptor cells in the retina leading to progressive vision loss. RP symptoms can vary. Night blindness is one of the earliest and most frequent symptoms of RP, progressing to loss of peripheral vision (tunnel vision).
The laser light can be focused onto the retina, selectively treating the desired area while leaving the surrounding tissues untouched. It is used for the variety of conditions like diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusions, retinal breaks or small detachments, central serous chorioretinopathy to name a few.
Intravitreal drug delivery is a method of treatment of many retinal diseases, commonly including AMD, Diabetic Retinopathy, and Retinal Vein Occlusions.
This investigative procedure comprises of injecting a dye - Fluorescein / Indocyanine Green and taking rapid serial retinal photographs of blood flow in retina and choroid by a digital Fundus camera. You must be preferably accompanied by an adult attendant during this test.
It is a noninvasive, noncontact, transpupillary imaging technology to view the layers within the retina and measure the retinal thickness or macular edema.
B SCAN is a two-dimensional imaging system for intraocular structures and giving information about the status of the lens, vitreous, retina, choroid when direct visualization of intraocular structures is difficult or impossible (corneal opacities / dema, hyphema, hypopyon, dense cataracts, or vitreous haemorrhage) or intraocular foreign body, ciliary body lesions, intraocular tumors, choroidal detachments, etc.
Other Disease like ARMD , RVO etc has comprehensive treatment in Hospital .The department is well equipped with diagnostics and team of professional which provide excellent care in Retina services.
It is the most common line of action for Diabetic retinopathy treatment. But remember, this can only save the existing sight level and cannot make it better. In laser treatment, the retina specialist uses laser to destroy areas of retina deprived of oxygen which helps to prevent growth of new blood vessels into these areas. It can be done in multiple sessions. In most cases, this procedure causes the new blood vessels to regress and swelling to subside. It usually takes three to four months to be fully effective.
Sometimes the new blood vessels bleed into the gel like centre (vitreous) of the eye. This condition – Vitreous hemorrhage can lead to a sudden loss of vision. If the vitreous hemorrhage is persistent then a procedure called Vitrectomy is recommended. This is a microsurgical procedure for diabetic retinopathy treatment which removes the blood and scar tissue from the centre of the eye. Many patients have improved vision after vitrectomy.
These help patients with gross swelling in the macula. It may require injections into the eye of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) inhibitor drug or steroid to reduce the growth of abnormal blood vessels and leakage of fluid from them. These may also be used prior to surgery to reduce the bleeding.
The choice of treatment depends on the stage of the disease, the age of the patient and the recommendations of the retina specialist. With specialist retina panel and advanced technology in the field, Centre for Sight is a destination for diabetic retinopathy treatment in India.